Playground Kipinäpuisto children made this common artwork Merihirviöiden maailma
(Sea Monsters' World) to Kontula library's children's department 2015
Viidakkokarnevaali (Jungle Carnaval)
produced in Art Prescription workshops in playground Kiikku,
from November 2014 at Kontula health station.
Leikkipuisto Mellunmäki's Taikakilpikonnat (Magic Tortoises) at Mellunkylä underground station,
December 2014
The Art Prescription of the cultural association Lila proudly presents:
Taikametsä (Magic forest),
a particitory artwork created by playground children in the Ristikko shopping centre
Taidesaappaat lätäkössä (Art boots in a puddle)
by Kesanto playground children
in the entrance of Suutarila library and school
until the end of 2012
Art Prescription proudly presents:
Kevään ensimmäiset Aurinkoperhoset
(The First Sun Butterflies of the Spring),
a participatory artwork by the children at Nurkka playground in Puistola library
for all the summer 2012
The Art Prescription in Tapulikaupunki: Tapulin tötterö at Tapuli library 14.5. - 31.8. 2012
a particitory artwork created by Tapuli playground children
The Art Prescription in Oulunkylä: Ikkunakylä (the window village)
at Oulunkylä library, a particitory artwork created by Mäkitorppa playground children
Superkaupunki Ihmemaassa (Super City in Wonderland) in Ruoholahti children's library.
Created by the children at the Ruoholahti playground.
The participatory art work Laulu lumelle (A Song for the Snow) created by
the children of the Taivallahti playground to Töölö library.
Open 10th Feb - 10th Mar 2012.
What colour does the snow have? When can it be blue?
The opening of Laulu lumelle, artists
The participatory artwork Magic Metro at Rastila metro station, made by the children at
Haruspuisto playground
Cakeshop in Myllypuro shopping centre by the children at Myllynsiipi playground
Cakeshop, detail
Flying Cows in Vuotalo were made with the children at Rusthollari Playground.
Treasures at the bottom of the pond by the childred of Lampi Playground
in Kontula library. Looking from the outside the treasures are still covered
by weeds but...
... from inside they appear cleaned and colourful.
The illustration of Snufkin on a meadow in "Who will comfort Toffle" by Tove
Jansson acted as a starting point in the workshops in Taivallahti
Playground where children made an imaginary journey to the meadow, imagining
butterflies there.
Bay of Summer by children of Taivallahti Playground was on display in Töölö library
from Spring until Summer in 2011.
The Cultural Assciation Lila in co-operation with Taivallahti Playground, Oy Moomin Characters Ltd:n
and Töölö library.
Because Lauttasaari is situated by the sea the theme at the workshops was
ships. Here is Flock of Ships by the children at Lahnalahti
Playground on display at Lauttasaari Library.
Flock of Ships at Lauttasaari Library, as seen from outside
Glowfish were created at Linja Playground in Autumn 2010. The idea for the
"glowfish" originated from fish painted on the pool at the playground.
Glowfish were on display first on the windows of the Linja Playground.
Glowfish were then hung above the stairs leading onto the children´s
department at the Kallio Library.