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The cultural association Lila

Kommentti II   /   Koммeнтapий II, 2012

  Northern Direction
  Baltic Souvenirs

  Art Prescription
  Lila Dance & Company
  Kalasataman POIJU


The exhibition was supported by:

Opetus- ja kulttuuriministeriön logo

11.8.-30.9.2012, the cultural association Lila organized an exhibition " Kommentti II " (Comment II) on site specific environmental art in Helsinki. A Finnish-Russian group of artists created their artworks in the surroundings of the community centres Kääntöpaikka and Bokvillan in the Arabianranta-Toukola neighbourhood. The exhibition was organized in co-operation with Association Land and Art from Petrozavodsk.

By clicking the pictures you get more of them.


Elina Autio (Helsinki), SUMMER TRIANGLE

Three stars in the sky. Three birches in shade of houses. The sea, meadowsweet, the rabbits and dogs of Arabia district. A moment cross-ing nature and human time.
Working proce-dure: Knitted woollen yarn around the trees.

Arabian aarrepelto

Tiina Hallakorpi (Helsinki), ARABIAN TREASUREFIELD

The starting point for my work has been the Arabia factory. Apparently there are pieces of Arabian porcelain and ceramics everywhere on the ground. I decided to plant plates on the ground. Let’s see whether they will grow bigger.
Many thanks for Arabia Factory for donating broken second class plates for my work!

Hauen jälki vedessä

Igor Monakhov (Petrozavodsk), THE TRAIL OF PIKE IN WATER

After having worked in Tolstyakovo I was suprised how Veikko forced the pike to fly in the sky. For me it was interesting to make a comment of his work by making this fish on the water of the street.


Vladimir Zorin (Petrozavodsk), SIGNS

It is impossible to think of a life of contemporary people without hundreds and thousands of signs, which guide them in urban space. This is a comment of a place, of a metropol, where the density of signs is to be found at its maximum.

Etsi aika

Kaarina Ormio (Helsinki), SEARCH THE TIME - orinteering excercise

With a map that you can borrow from the box, you can search for control points that tell you about different times in the Bokvillan park.


Victoria Zorina (Petrozavodsk), SHADOW

I take shadow to be the best comment of a concrete place. Thats why I chose a tree with an interesting silhouette and made a laconic and stylised shadow with rope.

Internet in...

Evgenia Terentieva (Petrozavodsk), INTERNET IN...

Communication with internet can lead into the piling of signs expressing emotions and action. I have transferred them into nature, to tell a story of the surroundings in the language of the internet signs.

Bokvillan - Bokvilan

Kirsti Rautasalo (Helsinki), THE BOOK VILLA - THE REST OF THE BOOKS

The covers of the books, and the old books, rest in the shade of the trees; they tell us about the past, and solemnize the new life of the Book Villa.

Linnunpönttö 1

Veikko Björk (Helsinki), BIRDHOUSES 1-2

Bird box 1 is covered with pieces of broken porcelain. This box is designed for birds who are interested in the tradition of Arabia.
Bird box 2 is designed for postmodern, urban birds who are willing to show even the most intimate events of their private life.


Marja-Elina Uusitupa (Helsinki), BELLFLOWER – serious art for rabbits

Comment on past and present time in and outside Bokvillan and new growth in the garden. (BELLFLOWER refers to Tiina Hallakorpi`s work in Tolstjakovo as well as my own work in Tolstjakovo 2011.)

The artwork consists of twelve laminated sticker photos on flower labels. The circle has a diameter of 3 meters. The photos have been shot during Bokvillans renovation time in summer 2012.


Toni Keski-Liikala (Helsinki), THE SNAIL – a dance solo

During the first day of working there was a snail in the performing place. There seemed to be a connection between the slowness of the snail and the sea which was visible from the performing place and the vast sky above. This became the sad and absurd starting point for time and space exploring story expressed by dance. It comments the starting points, forms and atmospheres surrounding the visual artist works with its own language of movement.

Our special thanks for the community centre Kääntöpaikka!